Global Swarming
new publication now available to buy online!
new publication now available to buy online!
© 2025 Hans Kern
Hi! Welcome to Global Swarming: the website. As you may or may not know, this site is being launched on the occasion of the completion of the book, by the same name. In the spirit of the project, and in the interest of spreading these Earth [re]generation ideas far and wide, I have decided to make the same content and illustrations from the book available for free online!
There is one notable difference between the book and the website, however. I will be updating the website with new cards every once in the while, as this is a growing compendium of strategies to regreen our spaceship Earth. Unfortunately, that’s not really possible with books. But, when I have made enough cards to fill another volume, I hopefully will get the chance to publish a Global Swarming #2. Until then, please check back here once in a blue moon for new cards.
For questions contact me:
Peas & Love,
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2. Arendt, Hannah. “The Public and the Private Realm.” The Human Condition, by Arendt Hannah, University of Chicago Press, 1958, Accessed 30 Nov. 2019.
3. Bertulis , Nik (2017). The Elephantidae, The Flame, and the Chainsaw: Wildfarm Release. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Commons], Chelsea Green Publishing 2017.
4. Brand, Stewart. Whole Earth Discipline : An Ecopragmatist Manifesto. London, Atlantic Books, 2010.
5. Bryant Logan, William. Dirt : The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth. New York, N.Y. ; London, W.W. Norton, 2007.
6. Christensen, Renata. Together, We Have Choice. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Greater We], Chelsea Green Publishing 2019.
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10. Fukuoka, Masanobu. Sowing Seeds in the Desert : Natural Farming, Global Restoration, and Ultimate Food Security. White River Junction, Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2013.
11. Haines, Gavin. “One Woman’s Response to Soil Insecurity? Worm Husbandry.” Positive News, 15 Feb. 2019, Accessed 30 Nov. 2019.
12. Hawken, Paul. Drawdown : The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. New York, New York, Penguin Books, 2017.
13. Henderson, Elizabeth (2017). Organic Farmers are not Anti-Science but Genetic Engineers Often Are. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Commons], Chelsea Green Publishing 2017.
14. Henderson, Elizabeth. $15 Minimum Wage: Disaster or Opportunity for Family-Scale Farms?. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Commons], Chelsea Green Publishing 2017.
15. Hickel, Jason. “To Deal with Climate Change We Need a New Financial System.” The Guardian, The Guardian, 5 Nov. 2016, Accessed 17 Nov. 2019.
16. Howard, Alber. An Agricultural Testament . Retrieved November 22, 2019, from website:
17. Ikerd, John (2017). Rethinking the Value of Work. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Commons], Chelsea Green Publishing 2017.
18. Jackson, Forrest. A New Age of Sail. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Commons], Chelsea Green Publishing 2017.
19. Katz, Sandor. The Art of Fermentation: An in-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World. 1st ed., White River Junction, Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing, 12 June 2012.
20. Kern, Hans. [RE]CYCLOPAEDIA. 1st ed., New York City, NY, Beewize Books, 12 May 2018.
21. Kropotkin, Pyotr. (2015). Mutual aid : a factor of evolution / by P. Kropotkin. London: Forgotten Books.
22. Lawton, Geoff. “Permaculture: Geoff Lawton at TEDxAjman.” YouTube, 3 July 2012, Accessed 26 Nov. 2019
23. Le Guinn, Ursula. National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letter Speech.
24. Massy, Charles. Call of the Reed Warbler : A New Agriculture, a New Earth. White River Junction, Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2018.
25. Mies, Maria. Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labour. Zed Books, 1986.
26. Pact for the Earth – Terra Viva, Earth Democracy. (2015, November 6). Retrieved November 22, 2019, from Seed Freedom website:
27. Pleasant, Barbara (2017). Making Biochar To Improve Soil. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Commons], Chelsea Green Publishing 2017.
28. Salatin, Joel. “Cows, Carbon and Climate | Joel Salatin | TEDxCharlottesville.” TEDx, 14 Jan. 2016, Accessed 25 Nov. 2019.
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32. Shelley, Vinyard. Missing the Forest for the Toilet Paper. National Resources Defense Council, 27 Feb. 2019,
33. Simard, S. (2016). How trees talk to each other. Retrieved November 22, 2019, from website:
34. Slater, Grant. “MAMMOTH.” Vimeo, 25 Nov. 2019, Accessed 25 Nov. 2019.
35. Tscharner von Fleming, Severine. Introduction. In: Severine Tscharner von Fleming (Ed.), The New Farmer’s Almanac [The Greater We], Chelsea Green Publishing 2019.
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